María Jesús García Guimarey
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María Jesús García Guimarey is graduated in Chemical Engineering (five years degree) at the Higher School of Engineering of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain) since 2014. Subsequently, she studied renewable energies Master Degree at the University of San Pablo CEU (Madrid, Spain). In 2015, she started her post-graduate studies at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Santiago de Compostela. She joined the Department of Applied Physics as a researcher in training, within the project “Use of nanofluids in the production of wind energy and in the formulation of more efficient lubricants, ENE2014-55489-C2-1-R”. Her research activity is mainly focused in thermophysical and tribological characterization of additivated lubricants with nanoparticles. She has made 5 contributions to national and international congresses.
MoreJosé Manuel Liñeira del Río
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Jose Manuel Liñeira del Río is graduated in Chemistry at University of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain) since 2015. After that he studied renewable energies and energy sustainability Master Degree at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain). In 2017 he has started his doctoral thesis studies at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Santiago de Compostela, as a researcher in training in NaFoMat Group through a Principia Program within the project “Development of hybrid nanofluids, nano-lubricants and nano-enhanced Phase Change Materials for the transfer, storage and production of energy” (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and UE FEDER program). His research activity is focused in tribological characterization of additivated lubricant oils with different types of nanoparticles.
MoreHadrián Montes Campos
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Hadrián Montes Campos is graduated in Physics by the University of Santiago de Compostela. His main research lines focus on the behavior of ionic liquids under nano-confinement. Specifically focusing in the behavior near a charged interfase. He has performed studies mixtures of ionic liquids in bulk and with interfaces. These studies have been performed using both molecular dynamics and DFT simulations. He has also worked in the mapping from coarse grained simulation to atomistic ones.
MoreJuan José Parajó Vieito
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I have finished my PhD thesis in 2016, "Application of calorimetry and thermal analysis to determine the liquid range and the environmental toxicity of ionic liquids", related to thermal properties (TGA, DSC, TAM,...) and ecotoxicity studies of ionic liquids and it was completely developed on applied physics department of Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. In that same year I made a short-stay at the University of Aveiro, learning how to use different ecotoxicity techniques. My current research is focused on ionic conductivity of pure and gel ionic liquids, besides of the study of thermal properties, ecotoxicty and estructural characterization.