Josefa Fernández

Position: Permanent Staff

Josefa Fernández is Head of the Thermophysical Properties Laboratory (integrated in NaFoMat group in 2016) since 1992. Supervisor of 16 Doctoral Thesis. 196 publications in international refereed Journals in the areas of Thermodynamic and Transport properties, Tribology, Materials, Chemical Physics, Chemical Engineering and Nanomaterials. Main researcher of 12 funded national projects and two joint French-Spanish actions on the searching on new working fluids, thermal fluids, hydraulic fluids, ionic liquids, nanofluids or lubricants in refrigeration systems, wind turbines and other machinery for the generation of renewable energies and automotive components. Responsible in the USC of a strategic and singular project granted by the Spanish Government on the use of biodegradable lubricants in wind energy and agricultural machinery with six industrial partners and Chair of an IUPAC project. Dissemination Manager of COST Network on Ionic Liquids and of the Management Committee member of the COST NANOUPTAKE on nanofluids. Board Member of Thermodynamics and Transfer Process, B1 of the International Institute of Refrigeration, International Association Transport Properties IATP, International Association Chemical Thermodynamics IACT, and of the International Organizing committee (IOC) of European Conferences on Thermophysical Properties and International Union of Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) member.
